Hello again from A.N.T.T.S = A North Texas Termite Specialist. A quick reminder that we do more than just termite control we specialize in flea pest control treatments, flea yard treatments and general pest control service all around the DFW area. Also we can now be found on your phone searches at This summer has been prime conditions for the dreaded dog flea which has been one of the biggest pest control problems of the year. With early summer rains and now the heat wave that is in the Dallas/Fort Worth area flea populations are very high. People leave for vacation and come home only to become dinner host for massive flea infestations. We see a lot of people trying to exterminate them on their own but to no avail. Flea problems are very tough and we have a pretty proven method that has been working great! What we do is a full interior and exterior treatment including treating the whole yard. We use EPA approved products that have a long residual along with a growth inhibitor to stay off flea reproduction. A.N.T.T.S can also power spray and highly recommend doing so the whole yard. If you have pets that go inside and hang around outside you are just giving the fleas a free trolley service from the yard to your carpet. Before any flea treatment we go over with the customer a set of guidelines to help insure a successful treatment. Mainly prep work and re-entry times. We also have had a lot of general pest calls this summer such as ants, roaches, spiders, wasp, bees, and rodents. These are all pest control problems that are very treatable by A.N.T.T.S and we give a 90 day warranty on all treatments but would not stop coming until the original problem was gone. We have received a lot of great reviews this year and are very grateful for them! There is no way to make everyone happy but we try. Coming up on our next post soon will be getting ready for fall pest control tips! So please bookmark this site and invite all your twitter and facebook friends to join as well. Thanks again, talk to you soon.

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